I was eager to see the new trail markings that were recently installed by the trail maintainers along a 0.3 mile segment that runs northward from the junction with the Little Cherry Pond Trail. Along that section, widely spaced trees made it difficult to find the trail corridorin some spots. However, navigation has now been greatly simplified by the addition of blue diamond markers.
Also, temporary signage has been added at the junction of the Mooseway and Little Cherry Pond Trail (see photo composite below).

For anyone unfamiliar with the location of the Mooseway, many local merchants sell a map that includes all the trails within the Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge. Below is a snippet of this map where theMooseway is highlighted at center/left.

Cherry Mountain was clearly visible on the day of my visit, but the Presidential Range was obscured by thick overcast (see photo below).

The next photo is looking northward along the rail line that runs through the Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge. A portion of Cherry Pond is seen at right.

Toward the end of day, near the north end of the Mooseway, a beautiful moon was seen hovering above the forest.

Hi John,
I love reading about cross-country ski adventures and you have an abundance of nice trails in your area. This wildlife refuge—I believe you have previously visited and posted about this refuge?—looks like a real gem!
Rita, not only are you a faithful follower of my blog, but you have a magnificent memory as well. Yes indeed, I have previously posted reports about this lovely location, and I do go there often. It’s a favorite spot of mine except in late Springtime and early Summertime when the numerous buzzing, biting, blood-sucking insects exceed my tolerance level! :-)
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