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Bethlehem, New Hampshire, United States
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02 February 2013

Trying an Experiment

Occasionally, it's good to have a shakeup of the status quo!  So, I'm trying an experiment.  For the moment, I'm now authoring two Blogs.  One blog is for small hikes, whereas the other is for big hikes.  My original 1HappyHiker blog contains reports of my "big" hikes, and my "small" hikes are in my new blog entitled: "2 Small 2B Big" (Click HERE).

What's the rationale for this separation?  Well, from what I can determine, there are a number of readers who are interested in small hikes that can be done when there is a shortage of time and/or energy.  So, to make these types of hikes easier to locate, it seems worthwhile to do an experiment by having a separate blog to house my smaller adventures under one roof.

We'll see how this experiment goes.  If things are not working out, then I have no burning compulsion to maintain these separate blogs.  Actually, there might be practical considerations which could prove overly cumbersome to continue both blogs.  For example, what really qualifies a hike to be categorized as "small", or "big"?  Also, if negative feedback from this experiment outweighs the positive, then definite consideration will be given to reverting back to simply including all my adventures in my original 1HappyHiker blog.



Anonymous said...

I give you credit for maintaining one blog!! Good luck with 2, you certainly seem ambitious enough to make it work!! Good luck!!

Hiking Lady

1HappyHiker said...

Hi Hiking Lady,

Thank you for posting your comments about my experiment.

This 2 blog thing is still not a completely “done deal”. It’s not quite the concept I’m looking for, but it will have to do for the time-being. Perhaps some better alternative will eventually pop into my head. :-)
